What is...


Operation Pollination is the result of a nationwide National Heritage Areas (NHA) and Rotary International project that engages you and our community in pollination habitat restoration, preservation of existing habitats, and education that encourages an understanding of the work and needs of pollinators. 

Our Purpose

As part of the Harbor Country Rotary’s (HCR) focus on the environment, HCR has formed its own Operation Pollination Group (OPG). The purpose of the OPG is to encourage members,  friends, schools, commercial businesses, etc. to expand, restore, maintain and protect pollinator habitats. The OPG recognizes the importance of developing, restoring and maintaining pollinator habitat on public and private lands. Through collaboration and outreach, an interconnected mosaic of pollinator habitat interspersed between public and private land will be developed to stabilize and/or increase populations of pollinator species throughout our project area. https://operationpollination.net/ 

Our Ask

Operation Pollination is envisioned to encourage inclusive partnership projects initiated by announcing a simple Pollinator Resolution to make national and local conservation a priority. Partnership projects are achieved by signing a simple Pollinator Pledge Form

 form that recruits a diverse array of partners to engage in pollinator habitat restoration and/or education activities. 

Any organization or individual Rotarian can get involved in Operation Pollination and it doesn't cost anything to join the cause, aside from the time and resources you devote to achieving your unique pollinator project.

To facilitate Rotarians’ ability to educate members and the community about installing and nurturing effective and beautiful pollinator gardens, the OPG has assembled this list of guidance, resources and tips.

























Quick Links to Navigate Operation Pollination:

Why the Focus on Pollinators?

What are some examples of a “Pollinator?”

What is “Pollination” and why is it so Important?

What is a Pollinator Garden or Landscape?

What is the Difference Between a Butterfly and a Pollinator Garden?

What are the Phases of Establishing a Pollinator Garden?


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