25th Anniversary Gala (2009)


The Seattle International District Rotary Club was chartered on September 18, 1984 with 25 charter members.  On September 24, 2009, about 120 past and current club members, and guests celebrated our Rotary Club’s 25th anniversary in the Community Hall of the Wing Luke Asian Museum.  It was truly a festive event, with much fellowship, laughter and celebration.


The evening’s program started with the club’s first president (and charter member), Lloyd Hara (1984-1985), telling how the club got started.  Past club presidents (and charter members) Jim Johnson (1986-1987) and Hwa Tsun Feng (1987-1988) regaled on how our club was one of the first in the world to admit women in 1986. Past club presidents Julie Hungar (1993-1994) and Mardie Rhodes (2001-2002) cited our club’s great accomplishments over the first 25 years.


Highlight of the evening was our guest speaker, the Honorable M. Margaret McKeown, a judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, who was introduced by past club president and charter member Phil Ginsberg (1989-1990).  Judge McKeown recalled her role as our pro bono attorney in the case of “Rotary Club of Seattle-International District vs. Rotary International”. 


The club presented an award for outstanding service to past president and charter member Hwa Tsun Feng, with the following inscription:  “Presented to Hwa Tsun Feng for outstanding service to our club on 25th anniversary of Seattle International District Rotary Club, September 24, 2009”.

The evening’s program emcee was then-club president and charter member Paul Mar (2009-2010).  In attendance for this gala event were 11 of the club’s 25 charter members, 13 of the past club presidents, and 7 of the class of 15 women who were admitted to our club in 1986, including Karilyn (Van Soest) Dammerell (club president in 1988-1989), who made a video appearance from Hawaii.

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Meeting and Contact Details

Club Meetings at Joyale Seafood
900 S Jackson St
1st and 3rd Thursdays

Contact us at
for meeting link.

Rotary Club of Seattle-Int'l District
PO Box 14257-0257
Seattle WA , WA 98114-0257

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