Rotary District 7730 Photo Gallery

District Conference 2024 & Governors' Gatsby Gala (April 19-20)
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The conference celebrated Rotary Years 2022/23 and Rotary 23/24 and featured inspirational speakers, interactive sessions, and warm fellowship. The scotch tasting and service project were two highlights of the weekend as well as the final evening's Governors' Gatsby Gala where many dressed in their finest Roaring 20's attire and enjoyed live music provided by the Brunswick Big Band.
2022-2024 District Conference Advertisements
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2022-2024 District Conference Paid Advertisements
2022-2024 District Conference Sponsors
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Thank you Sponsors for your support!
District 7730 Foundation Banquet Nov 2023
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Pictures of the District 7730 Foundation Banquet on November 7, 2023. Foundation Giving Awards as well as Distict Governor Awards and Presidential Citations.
District 7730 Awards & Installation Banquet
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District 7730 Awards & Installation Banquet held on June 24, 2023 at Mad Boar Restaurant in Wallace, NC
District Breakout Images from Carolinas PETS 2023
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Images of RIPE Gordon signing a bottle of OBAN and addressing district attendees along with DGE Allen Quigley at CAROLINAS PETS 2023, Greensboro, NC March 16-18, 2023.
District 7730 - JumpStart 2023
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Leadership information exchange gathering. Club leaders, district leaders, and visitors came together at Sturgeon City Environmental Education Center, in Jacksonville, NC to listen, learn, exchange information and ideas. Collaborative effort of District Governor Nancy Carr and District Governor Elect Allen Quigley.
Area 3 Clubs partnering with Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity
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This is the first of eight (8) build days that the Area 3 Rotary Clubs will be working with Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity to complete this home. Both Area Governor (AG) Dan Parks and District Governor Elect (DGE) Allen Quigley the Area 3 clubs are making a substantial monetary investment as well as a "Sweat Equity" investment in this home. Truly People of Action.
Foundation Banquet 2022 - The Cultures of Rotary
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We celebrated the "Cultures of Rotary" at our Foundation Banquet. RIPN Stephanie Urchick joined us as our guest and keynote speaker. We enjoyed cuisine from around the globe, highlighted our district and global grants, and recognized our many clubs for "doing good in the world." We demonstrated our commitment to the eradication of polio with a special plaque for the Jorgensens and raised more than $10,000 from the raffle basket, live auction, and special birthday gift to Fran Wylie.
DG Nancy Carr visits the Leland Area Rotary Club
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The traditional District Governor's visit to the Leland Area Rotary Club (LARC) and the Coins for Alzheimer's Research Trust (CART) Norm Rogers presents the club with the Golden Bucket for Per Capita Donations to the fund.
Shallotte Rotary Club Installation and Recognition Dinner
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Thanks to President Dale Lepovetsky, President-Elect Nancy Boston, PDG Bernadette Jennings, Assistant Governor Shawn Braswell, and all of the members of the Shallotte Rotary Club for a wonderful evening and celebration. Congratulations to all of the Paul Harris Award Recipients.
District 7730 Membership Seminar, Sampson County Community College, Clinton, NC
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The District Membership Seminar at Sampson County Community College in Clinton, NC. Beautiful day and awesome turnout. Hosted by District Membership Chair (DMC) Andrea Young and Past District Governor (PDG) Terry Weaver. Thanks to District Governor Nancy Carr, iPDG Ellen Deaton, PDG Dawn Rochelle, and all of the other key players. A special Thanks to the incomparable Lin Kelly for the incredible job she does wrangling this crew.
District 2022-23 Governor, District Officers and Chairs Installation
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Installation of the Governor, District Officers, and Committee Chairs along with Club Officers and Assistant Governors as part of District 7730's 65th year of chartered business. Installation took place at Moore's Creek Battlefield, Currie, NC on Saturday, June 25, 2022.
Southport Noon Rotary Club Installation - June 2022
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Installation of President Rick Pearce, Officers, and Board Members. Eight club members awarded Paul Harris Fellows Award, and Ms. Earlene Campbell awarded Rotarian of the Year. Images courtesy of Mr. Peter Braun.
Shallotte Rotary Club Early College Interact Club at Brunswick Community College
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Along with Assistant Governor Shawn Braswell, Past District Governor Bernadette Jennings, Past District Governor Dale Lepovestky, and President Nancy Boston, the officers of the Early College Interact Club were installed today.
Foundation Workshop 2022 - Sampson Community College, Clinton, NC
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Images from the District 2022 Foundation Workshop. Thank you to the district leadership and special thanks to Jay Sollis, District Foundation Chair, Butch Blanchard, Paul Harris Society Chair, DGN CJ Crooks, for an awesome presentation and no Foundation event would be complete without the incomparable PDG Nancy Barbee. Additional thanks to iPDG Ellen Deaton, PDG Dawn Rochelle, John Mohr, and last but not LEAST, Ms. Lin Kelly for keeping us all straight.
Foundation Banquet
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Foundation Banquet
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Summer Meeting and Faculty Training
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July 15 and 16, Zone 33 RLI Board of Directors, new faculty members and current faculty members gathered in Glen Allen, VA at the Virginia Crossing Convention Center for our annual summer meeting. District 7730 was well represented with PDG Bevin Wall in attendance along with Steve Hellesperk, Rick and Anita Moreau, DGN CJ Crook and his spouse Krystal Johnson, David F Morrison, Andrea Young, Lin Kelly, and Chris Stevenson.
Foundation Banquet November 2022
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Banquet 2022
District 7730 Conference 2022
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District 7730 Conference 2022,
Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta dining with the Wilmington East Club
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Night of dining and celebrating with the Wilmington East Rotary Club
Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta visit to Williston Middle School, Wilmington, NC
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RIP Mehta visit to Williston Middle School with members of various Wilmington Clubs and visiting sitting District Governors. Presentation to the Williston Music Director and staff.
RIP Shekhar Mehta visit to Harrelson Center
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Visit to Harrelson Center
Rotary Wheel Visit w/RIP
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RIP Shekhar Mehta visiting Rotary Wheel in Greenfield Lake Park w/Mayor Bill Saffo of Wilmington
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District 7730 Foundation Banquet and awards ceremony. Held at River Landing Clubhouse, River Landing Plantation, Wallace, NC. Thank you to all our honoree, Foundation Committee, Foundation Advocates, and our Special Guests, Rotary President Shekhar Methar and his spouse.
Olsen Park w/ RIP Shekhar
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RIP Mehta's visit to a differently abled park for children and adults alike.
Rise Against Hunger - St. James Community Center - September 12, 2021
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Images captured during the Rise Against Hunger event hosted by Rotary District 7730 and the St James Community. Thank you to all of the volunteers and Rotaractors that committed their time.
District Leader Installation - June 27 2021
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The District Leader Installation
Southport Noon Club Installation
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Installation and Paul Harris Fellow Awards
District 7730 Pre-PETS
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Images from District 7730 Pre-PETS training, February 26. 2022.
RI Banners
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RI Banners
Maysville Kayak Launch with Kids
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Saturday, October 23, 2021 Pollocksville Kayak Launch.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Leadership Dialogues Training
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The members of the D-7730 DEI Task Force and Members of other civic organizations joined together on Sunday, October 17 to be trained on how to conduct a Leadership Dialogue session by Form Peace Fellows Linda Low and Moh Eid at the Blockade Runner.
Ellen and Nancy Tooling around in a hot rot for PolioPlus
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DG Ellen and PDG Nancy Barbee tooling around in a Red Hot Rod for World Polio Day.
District Foundation Training - August 7, 2021
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The district Foundation and team recap of Rotary year 2020 and some additional information on grants, building successful campaigns, utilizing and accessing Foundation Reports from
South Brunswick Island Club Governor's Visit
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District Governor Ellen Deaton and First Gentleman Roy Deaton visited the South Brunswick Island Club along with DGE Jeff Mount and AG Chris Stevenson.
Carolinas PETS March 2020
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Carolinas PETS Highlights
Pre-Pets 2020
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Pre-Pets Photos from Boys & Girls Home - Feb 2020
District 7730 Conference - April, 2019
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Memories of the District 7730 Conference - April 2019
Gov April's Journey Through District 7730 and Beyond!
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Gov April's Journey
District Service Project - RYLA - Trinity Center
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District Service Project - RYLA - Trinity Center - December 1 2018
Council of Governors Meeting - December 2 2018
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COG Meeting
Evening at the Wood Ducks Game
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Supporting Polio - District 7730 at the Wood Ducks Game
DG April's Installation 2018-19
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April Clark's Installation
Foundation Banquet 2018
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Foundation Banquet 2018 - Wallace NC
2018 Southeastern North Carolina Clubs Conference
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2018 Conference Picteures
Foundation Banquet - November 4 2017
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Foundation Banquet - River Landing Country Club - November 4, 2017
Foundation Seminar
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Foundation Seminar
Grants Certification Pre Pets Training
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RB Richey Installation
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RB Richey Installation in Wilmington NC July 2017
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