Why the Focus on Pollinators?

Pollination is an essential ecological survival function, and pollinators are necessary for plants to grow the food we eat.


The Problem

The need for pollinator habitats is growing because pollinator populations are changing. Many pollinator populations are in decline and the decline is attributed to a loss in feeding and nesting habitats. Pollution, the misuse of chemicals, disease, and changes in climatic patterns are all contributing to shrinking and shifting pollinator populations. In some cases there isn’t enough data to gauge a response, and this is even more worrisome. https://www.pollinator.org/pollinators#what-is








Quick Links to Navigate Operation Pollination:


What are some examples of a “Pollinator?”

What is “Pollination” and why is it so Important?

What is a Pollinator Garden or Landscape?

What is the Difference Between a Butterfly and a Pollinator Garden?

What are the Phases of Establishing a Pollinator Garden?


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