About Our Club

The Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise received its charter on April 26, 1986, and at that time, then became part of District 5060, a district that embodies the international qualities of Rotary - connecting both sides of the Canada-United States border, with 60 clubs in an area stretching from Clearwater, BC south to Grandview and Prosser in Washington State, a distance of more than 1,100 kilometres (700 miles).

We are an eclectic group of between 90-95 Rotarians; and we pride ourselves in being highly engaged in all areas of Rotary service, from support for recreational endeavours and sporting events, park development, civic beautification, environmental focused projects, health and safety concerns, literacy, and feeding the needy at the local level, to building wells and latrines and helping orphaned children in developing nations. We are a big supporter of youth and a participant in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program and many other leadership programs. We also sponsor, support and provide guidance to the Okanagan Mission High School Interact Club and the Rotaract Club of Kelowna.

We raise funds through at least one major fundraiser, gaming funds, club member donations, and many other activities.

Club members enjoy fellowship through regular weekly breakfast meetings, the Annual Sunrise Golf Tournament, mixed socials, and by participating together in many community events, projects and social activities. 

Mailing Address: Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise, P.O. Box 24111, Kelowna, BC., V1Y 9H2.

Historical Membership


Historical Leadership and Charter Club News

Recognizing 38 Years of Rotary Service, Apr. 14, 2024

Recognizing the Leadership of the Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise since it was chartered on April 28,1986

Club's Charter Executive

Club's Charter Membership

Club's Charter Member Photos

Club Leaders
Club Events