

Serving as a Rotarian is a privilege and an honour which requires a full commitment to Rotary’s goals and beliefs.  Rotarians are expected to be active and resourceful members, with high ethical standards and practices.

Specifically, Rotarians will:

(1)  Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities;

(2)  Conduct all personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others;

(3)  Use their vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary;

(4)  Be fair in all dealings with others while treating them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings;

(5)  Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society;

(6)  Offer their vocational talents to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in their community;

(7)  Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians;

(8)  Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship;

(9)  Actively support and participate in club service projects at the local and international level;

(10) Share in the responsibility of all Rotarians to bring new people into Rotary;

(11) Attend club meetings regularly, at least at a level of 50 percent, and while not attending actively engage in make-ups;

(12) Participate in the Mentorship Program of the club immediately upon induction;

(13) Become knowledgeable about the club’s vision, goals and operations; and support these by active participation and commitment;

(14) Become knowledgeable about the organizations and programs of District 5060, Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation by participating in club and district educational programs;

(15) Support the programs of The Rotary Foundation;

(16) Spread goodwill and friendship throughout the community and worldwide;

(17) Participate in the warm fellowship of fellow Rotarians;

(18) Serve on a club committee where the skills one possesses are used to enable the club to achieve its goals; and

(19) Provide leadership at the club level, and beyond if one aspires to do so.

To join Rotary, a prospective member must be "sponsored" by a current member; and of course, we are always seeking out qualified new members.  If you feel that you believe in the principles of Rotary and are willing to serve through our club, we recommend that you first reach out to our club by stating your interest in becoming a member and to learn more about how you can be nominated for membership.  You can do this by contacting a Rotarian you know or by contacting the chair of the Membership Committee. To contact the chair, simply click on his name on the left side of the Home Page under "Directory" and then express your interest in the box provided, along with your contact information.  One of the first things we will do is to invite you to attend one or more of our meetings to learn more about our club and its goals before you make a final decision to seek membership with our club.
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