Through the work of the International Service Committee of the Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise, the club supports the mission of The Rotary Foundation which enables Rotarians the means to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The International Service Committee of the club, provides leadership to enable the club to fund humanitarian activities, from local service projects to global initiatives.
Specifically, the International Service Committee is committed to supporting the goal of eradicating polio through the completion of the PolioPlus program; emphasizing and strengthening educational and cultural programs, which enhance goodwill and understanding and which strengthen peaceful relations among people; and funding humanitarian service through the use of club funds and grants available from the Foundation Committee of District 5060 and The Rotary Foundation.
The responsibilities of the Committee include:
- Educating the membership on the programs of RI focused on International Service and providing basic information on how the grant structure of The Rotary Foundation enables the club to take full advantage of funds to finance local and global initiatives;
- Encouraging the club to support the various humanitarian programs, including the PolioPlus program, and humanitarian programs, including disaster relief;
- Supporting International Education Programs such as the Ambassadorial Scholarship Program, Peace Centres, and Vocational Study Groups;
- Affiliating and supporting other humanitarian organizations such as Rotaplast Canada and ShelterBox Canada;
- Working in partnership with other Rotary clubs to enhance humanitarian service; and
- Establishing annual goals and implementing strategies to achieve these goals.