The Vocational Service Sub-Committee is rooted in the Second Object of the Objects of Rotary, which calls on Rotarians to “encourage and foster” high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.  Rotarians recognize the need to put these ideals into action.

Rotarians worldwide focus on advancing high ethical standards in the workplace.  As leaders in their businesses and professions, they advance high ethical standards by setting a positive example among employees, associates, and the community in general.  All types of work-related interaction offer an opportunity to encourage ethical behavior.

Rotary is committed to enhance corporate social responsibility.  Corporate social responsibility is a company’s commitment toward the community and environment in which it operates.   This acknowledges that there is a continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.

Additionally, Rotary’s guiding principles emphasize the importance of work.  Since work provides people with a livelihood and gives them dignity, and society benefits from having all of its members employed in a manner that maximizes their talents and ambitions, it should therefore come as no surprise that Rotarians must be committed to promoting professional development.  Rotarians can pursue this commitment through activities that enhance their own knowledge, and by guiding and training others to find gainful, fulfilling employment.

Based on the fact that “Service Above Self” is Rotary's principal motto, every member of the Rotary Club of Kelowna Sunrise is responsible for finding ways to improve the quality of life within the community of Kelowna and beyond into the Central Okanagan, and within their business and/or organization.
Specifically, the Vocational Service Committee is delegated with the task and responsibility to:

1.  Promote integrity through ethical behavior as an essential part of what it means to be a Rotarian;
2.  Promote corporate social responsibility as a company’s commitment toward the community and environment in which it operates;
3.  Provide members of the club with opportunities to learn more about the various vocations and industries within the community and area;
4.  Provide youth with the opportunity to learn about different vocations through such programs as job shadowing and mentorship;
5.  Promote high standards of practice in the work place;
6.  Promote the ‘4 Way Test,’ and the ‘Object of Rotary;”
7. Communicate Rotary’s social values and commitments through social media or other methods; and 
8.  Consider the organization of Vocational Training Teams using district and global funding which offer training teams a hands-on approach to vocational service.
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